
SOUTHEAST GA -– A well-established pharmacy (over 22 years in business in the same location) located inside a major hospital. This store serves as the provider of Pharmacy services to discharging in-patients of the hospital and the hospital employees. There are other independent pharmacies in the town and the usual chains, none of which offer the high level of service and quality care of this Pharmacy, which occupies a unique niche because of the relationship to the hospital. FYE 12/31/2023 was $3.09MM, up from $2.86MM in 2022. Gross margins of 14.3% overall. 5% Front-end sales, primarily OTC/HBA, Cards, Snacks and Drinks. Currently filling 32,000++ Rxs annually. 89% Generic Rxs, 11% Brand. 5% cash, the balance in traditional Managed Care plans. Store Hours are 8:30AM-6:30PM M-F, closed weekends and Holidays. 50 hours weekly. The store occupies 1,357 sq. ft. of space, 1207 sq ft Pharmacy and 150 sq ft storage. The current base rent is $3,319. The lease is currently on one-year automatic extensions. Landlord is open to a new lease for a new owner of the Pharmacy. Required payroll includes Payroll includes 1 FT Phcst, 1 PT Phcst, 2 PT tech, 2 PT clerks. All existing personnel are experienced and knowledgeable about the customers and the local market. This is an opportunity for an experienced pharmacist, a multi-store owner, to purchase a well-established, profitable store in a great location that is poised for continued growth. This store is well positioned in the community as a premier health care provider. With some reasonable marketing efforts, the store is ready to continue expansion into new, specialty niches under a new owner. This is a highly desirable location and an excellent business and investment opportunity.

 If interested in this listing, please contact Larry Greenfield.

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